Services of the Occupational Medicine Department

  • Providing of comprehensive occupational health services in accordance with Act. No. 373/2011 Coll., on the specific health services, as amended, Decree No. 79/2013 Coll., on the occupational health services, , as amended, and other related legislation
  • Contractual provision of occupational health services for companies
  • Advisory and consultancy services in the field of preventive occupational health care and health protection and safety at work
  • Guidance in assessment of factors in the working environment and working conditions that may affect the health of workers;
  • Consulting services on formulating proposals concerning categorisation of work within a company, including recommendation for laboratory measurements of physical as well as chemical factors in the working environment that are necessary for elaboration of such document (noise, vibration, heat load, cold load, dust, overload of hands, mental stress, chemical substances, etc.)
  • Monitoring of the health of workers within all types of medical examinations including assessment of capability for work
  • Providing of specialized examinations – audiometry, spirometry, plethysmography, electrocardiography, stimulated electromyography (measurement of distal motor latency of median nerves)
  • Training of first aid and assistance with equipping of first-aid boxes
  • Consulting in occupational health, safety and hygiene and ergonomics, and in individual and collective protective equipment
  • Promoting the adaptation of work and work conditions to the worker
  • Collaboration in providing information and education in the fields of occupational health, hygiene and ergonomics
  • Cooperation in analysis of occupational accidents and occupational diseases

Services of Department of Physiology and Psychology of Work

Providing of highly specialized examinations in occupational physiology and psychology by the Low No. 258/2000 Coll., on public health protection, as amended, Government Regulation No. 361/2007 Coll. as amended, Decree No. 432/2003 Coll., as amended, and Decree No. 288/2003 Coll., as amended:
  • Authorized measurement and assessment of local muscular load by integrated electromyography
  • Authorized measurement and assessment of physical load based on an assessment of energy expenditure, pulse frequency and burden handling
  • Authorized measurement and assessment of work thermal load by calculation and physiological measurements
  • Authorized measurement and assessment of workplace ergonomics
  • Authorized measurement and assessment of mental workload
  • Laboratory experiments in the climatic chamber

Another specialized expertises and consultations:
  • Categorization of work by the Law No. 258/2000 Coll., on public health protection, as amended, and Decree No. 432/2003 Coll., as amended
  • Ergonomic evaluation of work based on ergonomic checklists and optimization suggestion
  • Health Risk Assessment and suggestion of preventive measures by the Government Decree No. 361/2007 Coll., as amended, Decree No. 432/2003 Coll., as amended, and Decree No. 288/2003 Coll., as amended
  • Work and rest regime determining and drinking regime suggestion during the shift for workers in hot working environments
  • Prediction of work thermal load and design of optimum work and rest regime by using a computer program
  • Measurement and assessment of cold stress and work and rest regime determining for workers in cold working environments
  • Assessment of special protective clothing and work and rest regime determining for workers using special protective clothing
  • Organizing regional and national consultation seminars on the occupational musculoskeletal diseases due to overloading

Services of the Vaccination and Travel Medicine Department

  • Vaccination for travels abroad in compliance with requirements of the World Health Organisation and based on the current epidemiological situation
  • Consultation before traveling regarding the type of activity abroad, the actual situation and recommended preventive measures
  • Recommendation of antimalarial prophylaxis
  • Vaccinations required by states or employers
  • Comprehensive consulting in the sphere of vaccination, vaccination techniques and legislation
  • Consultative service in epidemiology
  • Lecturing in the field of infection diseases, vaccination and epidemiology
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